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HOME ART > Tutorial > Doing More > Create a SaadaDB
PostgresQL Setup

Saada uses 2 postgres accounts (or roles). One is used for administration tasks and another for database accesses. The same account can be used for both purposes but that implies remote clients to connect PostgresQL with administrator privileges !!!!

 Server Installation : Saada can be used with a remote PostgresQL server, but the server must have a read access to the repository directory.

 Administrator Account : This account is named saadmin in this tutorial, but any other name can be chosen.

This account must have PostgresQL superuser privileges. That is required to load table from ASCII files in release sbefore 8.3.

The role can be created by the command below. Connection options are required if the Postgres server runs on a remote machine.

createuser [connection options] -s [-p password] saadmin

It also can be created by using the pgadmin tools. This tool is installed by default on Windows platforms but not on Linux.

The saadmin password is not stored withn Saada. It is prompted at each connection.

 Client Account : This account is named reader in this tutorial, but any other name can be chosen.

This account is used by the web server or the API to access the SaadaDB. It just requires the login privilege. SQL tables created by Saada can not be altered by this user.

The role can be created by the command below. Connection options are required if the Postgres server runs on a remote machine.

createuser [connection options] -l [-p password] reader

 The account setup is validated at SaadaDB creation time.

last update 2008-05-16