ObsCore Use Cases and Examples

  • Simple Query by Position (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. Datatype=any II. contains RA=16.0 and DEC=40.0

  • Query Images by both Spatial and Spectral Attributes (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. DataType=Image II. Spatial resolution better th...

  • Any dataset at specified values for energy, position and time duration (V1.0)

    Show me all observations satisfying: I. DataType = any II. Energy includes 5 keV III. RA incl...

  • Image or cubes with positions defined in a list, where an X-Ray image and an image in band 500-900 nm can be found.(V1.0)

    Let me input a list of RA and DEC coordinates and show me spatially coincident observations satisfyi...

  • Images in band J, H, K with spatial resolution greater than 0.3 arcsec (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all observations satisfying: I. DataType=Image II. Spatial resolution better ...

  • High resolution images in band V, I, Z posed longer than 1000s (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all observations that satisfying: I. DataType=Image II. Wavelength=V or I or ...

  • IFU for Quasars seen at redshift greater than 3 with radio flux greater than 1mJy (V1.0)

    Show me all data that satisfies: I. DataType=IFU II. DataQuality: Fully Calibrated III. Object...

  • Image data from a list of observations at particular positions and around specified dates (V1.0)

    For an input list of RA, DEC, Modified Julian Date (MJD), show me all data that satisfies (LIST=SERV...

  • Spectra with energy bands and count number above threshold (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. DataType=Spectrum II. Energy spans 1 to 5 keV ...

  • High resolution spectra containing 650 nm with exposure time longer than 1h (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. DataType=Spectrum II. Wavelength includes 6500 ...

  • High resolution spectral cubes around one position covering more than 100 square arcsec (V1.0)

    Show me a list of data with: I. DataType=cube (IFU spectroscopy?) II. RA,DEC includes value R...

  • Velocity cubes with resolution better than 50km/s at a defined position (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. DataType=cube with 3 dimensions II. Axes includ...

  • Cube including spectral values at 6500 and at 4000 angstroms and resolution better than 5 Angstroms (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. DataType=cube II. RA includes 16.00 III. Dec ...

  • Polarization cubes with a sky area greater then 100x100 pixels (V1.1)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. DataType=Cube with 4 dimensions II. Axes includ...

  • High spectral resolution with frequency range greater than 500MHz and sky area greater than 100x100 pixels (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. DataType=Cube with 4 dimensions II. Axes includ...

  • Hyperspectral cubes with more than 100 pixels square and spatial resolution better than 2 arcsec for a list of objects extracted from SDSS data collection. (V1.1)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. DataType=Cube with 3 dimensions II. Axes includ...

  • Times series for a sky position, with date, length and exposure constraints (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data which satisfies: I. DataType=TimeSeries II. RA includes 16.00 hour...

  • Times series for a sky position, with a minimum of time slots (V1.1)

    This use-case is added in ObsCore 1.1 to search for time series against the number of time slots and...

  • Times series for tracking a particular event (V1.1)

    Show me a list of all data matching a particular event (gamma ray burst) in time interval and space:...

  • Eventlists at position P and time T with exposure time longer than 100000s (V1.1)

    Show me a list of all event lists observed for a particular phenomenon with constraints on space and...

  • Matching images and event lists from different data collections (V1.1)

    Show me a list of all event lists observed in the XMM data collection within the region covered by a...

  • Optical Imaging around detected objects in M81 group with Xray and radio image cut-outs (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. Optical imaging II. In the M81 group III. Wit...

  • Imaging and spectroscopy around position P in SDSS and CFHTLS data collections (V1.0)

    Show me a list of all data that satisfies: I. DataType=Imaging or Spectroscopy II. RA include...

  • Imaging and Xray data for selected objects in Virgo cluster (V1.0)

  • Images, spectra and evenlist from same data collection around position P and date D (V1.1)

    Give me images, spectra and event lists stemming from a common collection around my favorite object,...