
Table of Contents

1.     model: instfov
2.     Packages and Types
2.1     [root package]
2.1.1     objectType:Box
2.1.2     objectType:Circle
2.1.3     objectType:CustomRefLonLatPosition
2.1.4     objectType:CustomSpaceFrame
2.1.5     objectType:CustomSpaceSys
2.1.6     objectType:FoV
2.1.7     objectType:Instrument
2.1.8     objectType:InstrumentFootPrint
2.1.9     objectType:InstrumentMode
2.1.10     enumeration:LinkSemantic
2.1.11     enumeration:ParamSemantic
2.1.12     objectType:Pickle
2.1.13     objectType:Polygon
2.1.14     objectType:Shape
2.1.15     objectType:Telescope
2.1.16     objectType:Vertex
3.     vodml-id-s
4.     Imported Models
4.1     coords
4.2     ivoa

1. Model: Mango (instfov)

Authors : Laurent Michel, Fran??ois Bonnarel, Gilles Landais, Mireille Louys, Marco Molinaro, Jesue Salgado
Date : 2022-07-28T12:17:55
Version : 1.0
Previous version: : 0.0
Abstract : Data model based oon components and data association for source data
Diagram : The following diagram has been generated from the model using the GraphViz tool.
The classes and packages in the diagram can be clicked and are mapped to the descriptions of the corresponding element elsewhere in the document.

2.Model contents: Packages and Types

The following sub-sections present all packages in the model with their types. The packages are listed here in alphabetical order. Each sub-section contains a description of the package and a table containing its various features.

2.1 [root package]

Model instfov
Object types Box Circle CustomRefLonLatPosition CustomSpaceFrame CustomSpaceSys FoV Instrument InstrumentFootPrint InstrumentMode Pickle Polygon Shape Telescope Vertex
Enumerations LinkSemantic ParamSemantic

2.1.1 objectType: Box

vodml-id Box
description Box shape
extends Shape [instfov:Shape]
name feature value
L type ivoa:real
vodml-id Box.L
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
H type ivoa:real
vodml-id Box.H
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
angle type ivoa:real
vodml-id Box.angle
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
center type coords:LonLatPoint
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.2 objectType: Circle

vodml-id Circle
description Circle shape
extends Shape [instfov:Shape]
name feature value
radius type ivoa:real
vodml-id Circle.radius
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
center type coords:LonLatPoint
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.3 objectType: CustomRefLonLatPosition

vodml-id CustomRefLonLatPosition
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
epoch type coords:Epoch
vodml-id CustomRefLonLatPosition.epoch
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
position type coords:LonLatPoint
vodml-id CustomRefLonLatPosition.position
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
velocity type coords:Point
vodml-id CustomRefLonLatPosition.velocity
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.4 objectType: CustomSpaceFrame

vodml-id CustomSpaceFrame
description Customized space frame to allow relative coordinates for shapes positions building up the FOV. This represents the position of the FOV and direction with respect to a general coordinate system.
name feature value
spaceRefFrame type ivoa:string
vodml-id CustomSpaceFrame.spaceRefFrame
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
PlanetaryEphem type ivoa:string
vodml-id CustomSpaceFrame.PlanetaryEphem
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
directionAngle type ivoa:real
vodml-id CustomSpaceFrame.directionAngle
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
equinox type coords:Epoch
vodml-id CustomSpaceFrame.equinox
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
projection type
vodml-id CustomSpaceFrame.projection
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
refPosition_custom type CustomRefLonLatPosition [instfov:CustomRefLonLatPosition]
vodml-id CustomSpaceFrame.refPosition_custom
multiplicity 1
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
standardSpaceFrameReferenceSystem type coords:SpaceSys
vodml-id CustomSpaceFrame.standardSpaceFrameReferenceSystem
multiplicity 1
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.5 objectType: CustomSpaceSys

vodml-id CustomSpaceSys
description Space system customized for FOV projections
name feature value
customSpaceFrame type CustomSpaceFrame [instfov:CustomSpaceFrame]
vodml-id CustomSpaceSys.customSpaceFrame
multiplicity 0..1
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.6 objectType: FoV

vodml-id FoV
description A FoV can be any combination of shapes
name feature value
name type ivoa:string
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
customSpaceSys type CustomSpaceSys [instfov:CustomSpaceSys]
vodml-id FoV.customSpaceSys
multiplicity 0..1
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
shape type Shape [instfov:Shape]
vodml-id FoV.shape
multiplicity 1..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.7 objectType: Instrument

vodml-id Instrument
description Telescop instrument the FoV is attached to
name feature value
name type ivoa:string
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
description type ivoa:string
vodml-id Instrument.description
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
doculink type ivoa:string
vodml-id Instrument.doculink
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
instrumentMode type InstrumentMode [instfov:InstrumentMode]
vodml-id Instrument.instrumentMode
multiplicity 1..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.8 objectType: InstrumentFootPrint

vodml-id InstrumentFootPrint
description This object gathers the information about the telescope, instrument, mode described, as well as the Foot print geometry The author ???s related attributes trace who described this FOV.
name feature value
author_name type ivoa:string
vodml-id InstrumentFootPrint.author_name
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
author_mail type ivoa:string
vodml-id InstrumentFootPrint.author_mail
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
telescope type Telescope [instfov:Telescope]
vodml-id InstrumentFootPrint.telescope
multiplicity 0..1
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.9 objectType: InstrumentMode

vodml-id InstrumentMode
description Specific instrument model related to the FoV
name feature value
name type ivoa:string
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
description type ivoa:string
vodml-id InstrumentMode.description
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
foV type FoV [instfov:FoV]
vodml-id InstrumentMode.foV
multiplicity 1
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.10 enumeration: LinkSemantic

vodml-id LinkSemantic
description Literal enumeration of the possible values for the associated data semantic. This stands for an example before we have defined a vocabulary.
name feature value
VOService vodml-id LinkSemantic.VOService
description Data returned by a VO service
VOInstance vodml-id LinkSemantic.VOInstance
description Data Serialized in a VO model
Preview vodml-id LinkSemantic.Preview
description data preview
DownloadLink vodml-id LinkSemantic.DownloadLink
description Data download link
Detection vodml-id LinkSemantic.Detection
description Particular detection
Compagnon vodml-id LinkSemantic.Compagnon
description Compagnon source
Counterpart vodml-id LinkSemantic.Counterpart
description Counter part source

2.1.11 enumeration: ParamSemantic

vodml-id ParamSemantic
description Literal enumeration of the possible values for the parameter semantic. This stands for an example before we have defined a vocabulary.
name feature value
Main vodml-id ParamSemantic.Main
description Main measurment
Computed vodml-id ParamSemantic.Computed
description Computed measurement
Native vodml-id ParamSemantic.Native
description Mative measurement
Raw vodml-id ParamSemantic.Raw
description raw measure
Corrected vodml-id ParamSemantic.Corrected
description Corrected measure

2.1.12 objectType: Pickle

vodml-id Pickle
description Pickle shape
extends Shape [instfov:Shape]
name feature value
smallRadius type ivoa:real
vodml-id Pickle.smallRadius
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
largeRadius type ivoa:real
vodml-id Pickle.largeRadius
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
sectorAngle1 type ivoa:real
vodml-id Pickle.sectorAngle1
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
sectorAngle2 type ivoa:real
vodml-id Pickle.sectorAngle2
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
center type coords:LonLatPoint
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.13 objectType: Polygon

vodml-id Polygon
description List of vertices where starting and ending at the same position
extends Shape [instfov:Shape]
name feature value
vertex type Vertex [instfov:Vertex]
vodml-id Polygon.vertex
multiplicity 3..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.14 objectType: Shape

vodml-id Shape
description Generic shape for a field of view expressed in a CustomSpaceFrame
Subclasses in this model Box Circle Pickle Polygon
name feature value
name type ivoa:string
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.15 objectType: Telescope

vodml-id Telescope
description Place holder for the telescop descriptor the FoV is attached to.
name feature value
name type ivoa:string
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
description type ivoa:string
vodml-id Telescope.description
multiplicity 0..1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
name feature value
instrument type Instrument [instfov:Instrument]
vodml-id Telescope.instrument
multiplicity 1..*
isOrdered false
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

2.1.16 objectType: Vertex

vodml-id Vertex
description Vertex within a polygon
name feature value
coord type coords:LonLatPoint
vodml-id Vertex.coord
multiplicity 1
description TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

3.Element Identifiers/VO-DMLrefs

The following table shows all fully qualified vodml-ids for this data model. It is ordered alphabetically and the identifiers are hyper-linked to the location in the document where the actual element is fully defined.
vodml-id feature type description
vo-dml:model Data model based oon components and data association for source data
Box objectType Box shape
Box.H attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Box.L attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Box.angle attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Circle objectType Circle shape attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Circle.radius attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomRefLonLatPosition objectType TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomRefLonLatPosition.epoch attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomRefLonLatPosition.position attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomRefLonLatPosition.velocity attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomSpaceFrame objectType Customized space frame to allow relative coordinates for shapes positions building up the FOV. This represents the position of the FOV and direction with respect to a general coordinate system.
CustomSpaceFrame.PlanetaryEphem attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomSpaceFrame.directionAngle attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomSpaceFrame.equinox attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomSpaceFrame.projection attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomSpaceFrame.refPosition_custom composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomSpaceFrame.spaceRefFrame attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomSpaceFrame.standardSpaceFrameReferenceSystem composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
CustomSpaceSys objectType Space system customized for FOV projections
CustomSpaceSys.customSpaceFrame composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
FoV objectType A FoV can be any combination of shapes
FoV.customSpaceSys composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
FoV.shape composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Instrument objectType Telescop instrument the FoV is attached to
Instrument.description attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Instrument.doculink attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Instrument.instrumentMode composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
InstrumentFootPrint objectType This object gathers the information about the telescope, instrument, mode described, as well as the Foot print geometry The author ???s related attributes trace who described this FOV.
InstrumentFootPrint.author_mail attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
InstrumentFootPrint.author_name attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
InstrumentFootPrint.telescope composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
InstrumentMode objectType Specific instrument model related to the FoV
InstrumentMode.description attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
InstrumentMode.foV composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
LinkSemantic enumeration Literal enumeration of the possible values for the associated data semantic. This stands for an example before we have defined a vocabulary.
LinkSemantic.Compagnon literal Compagnon source
LinkSemantic.Counterpart literal Counter part source
LinkSemantic.Detection literal Particular detection
LinkSemantic.DownloadLink literal Data download link
LinkSemantic.Preview literal data preview
LinkSemantic.VOInstance literal Data Serialized in a VO model
LinkSemantic.VOService literal Data returned by a VO service
ParamSemantic enumeration Literal enumeration of the possible values for the parameter semantic. This stands for an example before we have defined a vocabulary.
ParamSemantic.Computed literal Computed measurement
ParamSemantic.Corrected literal Corrected measure
ParamSemantic.Main literal Main measurment
ParamSemantic.Native literal Mative measurement
ParamSemantic.Raw literal raw measure
Pickle objectType Pickle shape attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Pickle.largeRadius attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Pickle.sectorAngle1 attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Pickle.sectorAngle2 attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Pickle.smallRadius attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Polygon objectType List of vertices where starting and ending at the same position
Polygon.vertex composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Shape objectType Generic shape for a field of view expressed in a CustomSpaceFrame attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Telescope objectType Place holder for the telescop descriptor the FoV is attached to.
Telescope.description attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Telescope.instrument composition TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap. attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.
Vertex objectType Vertex within a polygon
Vertex.coord attribute TODO : Missing description : please, update your UML model asap.

4.Imported Models

This section lists the external models imported by the current data model. For each imported model we list URLs to the VO-DML and HTML representations and the prefix used for vodml-ids from inside the model.

4.1 coords

Model vodml-id coords
documentation url

4.2 ivoa

Model vodml-id ivoa
documentation url