The Saada Web interface is a Rich Internet Application. In other words, it is a single page whose content is modified by user actions.
Once the page is loaded, don’t use neither the Reload nor Back browser buttons.
Have a look at our catalog
- Expend the Data Tree
- Click on Ent_M33Entry node to display the table rows
- Clicking on M33_Entries just displays the data computed by Saada
Using the data tree
- Clicking on an info button pops up a panel with the meta data of the node
- Clicking on the node name displays the data
Understanding Icons
Detail of the current record
Table rows (TABLE only)
Info about the input datafile
Input data file download
Add/remove the current record to the shopping cart
Send the data selection to SAMP clients
Column selector
Open AladinLite on the position of the current object
Open a Simbad popup opens.
Display the header of the source table (ENTRY only)
last update 2016-06-13