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10. Home
You Have Data Files - Saada Makes your Database
50. News
Current Status
70. Tutos and Links
29. Asterics Workshop (Paris 2018)
30. Asterics Workshop (Heidelberg 2016)
35. AIDA Workshop 2009
40. ADASS 2008 demo
49. Tools and libraries used by Saada
50. Papers and Presentations
80. Download
10. Saada1.5.1
6. Last Build
8. Saada 1.6.5
9. Saada 1.6.0
90. Previous Releases
01. Saada 1.4.1 is available
10. Tutorial
05. Getting started
03. Introduction
05. Install Saada
10. Install Tomcat
20. Create the SaadaDB
30. Populate the SaadaDB
50. Open the Web Interface
60. Connect the VO
06. Doing More
10. Install or Upgrade
10. Install Saada
20. Upgrading a SaadaDB
20. Create a SaadaDB
07. User Account Setup
08. Choosing a Database Management System
10. PostgresQL Setup
11. MySQL setup (from Saada1.5.1)
12. Tomcat setup
15. Create a new SaadaDB
25. DB Populating
07. Running the Admin Tool
08. Create a Collection
10. Loading Data in Default Mode
11. Data Loader Configuration for MISC Products
12. Data Loader Configuration for IMAGEs
13. Data Loader Configuration for SPECTRA
14. Data loader Configuration for TABLEs
15. Data Loader Configuration for FLATFILES
20. Building Relationships
40. Managing indexes
30. Managing Metadata
10. Mapping UCDs, Utypes and Units
20. Set Associate Errors
25. Set HTML Format
40. Running Saada by Script
10. Installing Saada on a Headless Machine
20. Creating a SaadaDB
30. Standard Tasks
40. Writing Script Files
50. Data Loader Options
50. Using the Saada API
10. Compile and Run
20. Using the Java API
60. Saada Logs
46. Creation and Admin Logs
47. Tomcat Logs
32. SaadaQL
10. SaadaQL in a Few Words
30. WherePosition
40. WhereAttributeSaada
50. WhereAttributeClass
60. WhereRelation
62. Constraints using UCDs or Utypes
70. A complex Example
35. The Web Interface
10. Starting the Web Interface
20. Using the Query Editor
22. Using SAMP
30. A Special Implementation of AladinLite
30. Using the Shopping Cart
45. Using S*AP query
50. Managing the Web Interface
37. VO Publishing
10. Publishing Services
15. Testing TAP
20. Validating Services
55. Tips & Troubelshooting
10. The Web Interface Does not Come.
20. Saada fails in testing PSQL connection
25. Shared memory buffer on MAC
26. Read permission on Windows (XP SP2 and Vista)
27. UnsupportedClassVersionError (until
30. Read permission on UBUNTU (MySQL)
30. Running Saada on Vista
31. Giving More Space to the Postmaster (Postgres Linux)
32. Monitoring the Postmaster
33. psql : FATAL : Ident authentication failed
34. Java problem on Linux
35. SQLite failure when Tomcat reload the context
36. SQLIte No such function corner00_dec
37. Java version issue
38. Database locked (SQLite)
10. Mailing List
20. Saada Sites
Saada on Google Code
Sites Using Saada
30. How to Contact us ?
Send us a mail
30. Contributors
104. List of contributors
40. Next Step
18. An Advanced Data Model
19. Short term : a new admintool
20. Saada 1.6 Vs Saada 2.0
30. Saada 1.5 (released)
40. Old Releases
10. Saada 1.4.2
10. Install Saada
10. Environment setup
Database Installation
Tomcat Installation
Using the pgadmin utility (a traduire)
Working Area SetUp
90. Download and install Saada
Download Saada
Install Saada
15. Run the Demo
Install Deploy and Run the Demo
20. Create a SaadaDB
How to design my SaadaDB ?
What can I finally store in my SaadaDB
10. Generating an empty SaadaDB
Create a SaadaDB by Script
Create your SaadaDB
15. Add new Collections Attributes
Add new Saada attributes
17. Switch from Saada to your SaadaDB
10. Run the SaadaDB User interface
20. Define your Collections
Define your collection
30. Data Loading
Loading Images
Loading Source Lists
Loading Spectra
Product Loading
Product Mapping
35. Deploy your web site
Deploy your SaadaDB on Tomcat
40. Let’s Take an Example
100. A little database for my images
25. Managing Your SaadaDB
10. Product Modelling in Saada (Saada 1.5)
20. Loading Data by Script
30. Moving your SaadaDB
Making the SaadaDB Visible through a Proxy
Moving a Whole SaadaDB
Moving your SaadaDB to another Application Server
Using a remote PostgresQL Server
30. Troubleshooting (as F.AQ)
Can not connect the PostgresQL database
The Web Interface Returns Blank Pages
30. Using your SaadaDB
10. SaadaQL
10. SaadaQL in a few words
20. [Type], [Classes] and [Collections] Table
30. The WherePosition clause
40. The WhereAttributeSaada clause
50. The WhereAttributeClass clause
60. Constraints using UCDs
60. The WhereRelation clause
70. A complex Example
20. The Web Interface
10. Deploy your SaadaDB on Tomcat
Deploy the Web interface [m] [v] [s] :
20. Using the Web Interface
Overview of the database content :
40. Command line mode
30. Saada in Command Line Mode (Saada 1.4)
45. Saada Relationships
10. Create a Relationship
10. Build a symetric relationship
Create and populate a relationship
Relationship Setup
30. Populating relationships
101. Use cases of Saada Relationships
50. Programming Saada
70. Using the API
Accéder aux meta données
article sur accès aux meta données
Accéder àla Saadadb
article sur accès àsaadadb
Accéder àun objet
article en construction ...
Accéder àune relation
article sur accès àune relation
80. Default Layout Update
CSS and Java classes
60. Saada and the VO
10. VO Resources of a SaadaDB
20. The Saada VO Portal
30. How to publish your SaadaDB in the VO
95. Code Sample
Code samples
50. Inside Saada
10. Automatic detection of Position Keywords
10. Data Really Stored into the SaadaDB
10. Query by position
12. Automatic Detection of Spectral Range.
40. Relationship Indexation
45. Saada File System
9. Servlet
30. Data Model
A common Data Model for all SAADA-DBs
55. Using UWS
10. Java UWS implementation by G. Mantelet
10. Tutorial
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