Saada1.6.0 is available since June 1st
Embedded Database : From this version Saada can get rid of RDBMS issues (service setup, accounting, firewall..) by storing data in an SQLITE data base. This database is a simple (but large) file. It supports volume sizes greater then 10Gb with a very good performance level while there are not too much update operations. As SQLITE needs native code, it can only be used with Linux 32/64bits or MacOS64bits platforms. Saada can still work on ather plaforms with PostgresQL or MySQL anyway.
Tap/ADQL/UWS : This beta release provide a TAP service (Table Access VO Protocol) accessing to any data of your SaadaDB. Queries can writen either with SaadaQL or with ADQL. Query processing is based on the UWS architecture supporting an asynchronous mode. This service can be accessed from a new tab on the page banner.
A new query form with a strong AJAX flavour has been developped. Menus are now contextual. They only provide choices consistant with the current query." rel-"nofollow"> last update 2011-06-10