Remove product from th DB (to be used carefully). Product are specified in by the -remove parameter which can either be a comma separated list of OIDs or a SAADAQL query.
ex : ant product.remove -Dremove=oid1,oid2,oid3 -Dnoindex=true -Dlinks=follow
ant product.remove "-Dremove=Select MISC From * In Starting WhereAttributeSaadanamesaada=’Pedro’" -Dnoindex=true -Dlinks=follow
In both case, all products to remove must belong to the same collection and to the same class.
If the -links parameter valus is "follow", all data linked with the product to removed are removed too.
If the -noindex is set to true, indexes are not rebuilt after the poduct deletion.
WARNING : This task can generate huge transactions
WARNING : If you want to empty a class or collection use the collection.emty or class.empty tasks preferably.