Saada1.5.1.c has been released on March 30st 2011
This minor release fixes LOCK failures.
Saada1.5.1.b has been released on September 2nd 2009
From now, Saada is delivered as a platform independant package. It requires user to have JDK1.5+ running on their machine.
This minor release fixes a bug concerning the download of ingested products keeping their location as repository
The upgrade procedure can be found in SAADA_HOME/dbtemplate/licence/README.TXT
Saada1.5.1.a has been released on June 19th 2009
From now, Saada is delivered as a platform independant package. It requires user to have JDK1.5+ running on their machine.
This minor release fixes a lot of bugs. There no new important functionnalities
Download any platform
Saada1.5.1 has been released on April 8th 2009 (no longer supported)
SQL database :
- Suport of MSQL 5.xxxx in addition with POstgres 8.xxxx
Query engine
- Use of spatial indexation based on Qboxes
- Better memory management in the pattern processing
- Possibility to load data without buildind indexes. That save a lot of time when multiple dataset are loaded successively in the same collection/class.
- Indexes can be removed and /or rebuilt from the admin tool.
Improvement of the Web interface
- Possibility of loading any data selection in files (VOTable or FITS) or directly in VO clients (Topcat or Aladin)
- Cosmetics
Support if RICE compressed FITS images
Download (no longer supported)
Bug fixed : A null pointer exception can be raised when a configuration is saved or when we attempt to display the dataloader parameters from the configuration panel.
Install : Copy the file (saadadb.jar) into SAADA_HOME/dbtemplate/lib and into SAADA_DB_HOME/lib for each saadadb in in operation.
This patch is included into the distribution (16/04/2004) last update 2011-03-30