Install Saada
Download data sample and expand the archive.
- Data Sample
Create a SaadaDB named QUEBEC with ’nm’ as spectral units
Open the saadadmintool of your SaadaDB
Builds 2 collections : VizierData and XMMData
Load the 3 readme files (txt files in source vizier folder in VizierData.FLATFILE node.
Create a TABLE configuration with Galaxy as class name and set it in CLASSIFIER mode
Load Vizier tables into VizierData.TABLE by using this configuration.
Build the relation Readme from VizierData.TABLE to VizierData.FLATFILE
Set substring(p.product_url_csa, 0, 5) = substring(s.product_url_csa, 0, 5) as correlator
Save the correlator and populate
Create an IMAGE configuration with EPICImage as class name and set it in FUSION mode
Load XMM Images into XMMData.IMAGE by using this configuration.
Create an SPECTRUM configuration with EPICSPectrum as class name and set it in FUSION mode. Set KeV as spectral coordinates unit and ’0.2 12’ as spectral coordinates range.
Load XMM spectra into XMMData.SPECTRUM by using this configuration.
Build the relation AssoSpectra from XMMData.IMAGE to XMMData.SPECTRUM
Select XMMData(EPICImage) as primary collection and XMMData(EPICSpectrum) as secondary collection
Set p._obs_id = s._obs_id as correlator
Save the correlator and populate
Build the relation AssoEntries from XMMData.IMAGE to VizierData.ENTRY
Set KNN, nb_max=100 dist=15arcmin as correlator
Save the correlator and populate
Set queriable=true attribute _v21 in class GalaxyEntry
Set UCD=phys.veloc ;pos.heliocentric and queriable=true dor attribte _cz in class Galaxy_2Entry.
Deploy the Web application, run Tomcat and browse your DB. last update 2016-06-10