All Saada Java code must be compiled with the Java 1.5 level although the distribution does include 1.6 Java tools (Windows and Linux). This rule is unfortunately not applied for the compilation of Java classes generated by the dataloader. That makes the Web interface not working with Tomcat instances running with Java 1.5 which is frequently the case on Linux machines. In this case, Tomcat returns the following error message : java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError : Bad version number in .class file
This problem is fixed with Saada., but a workound around can be applied for previous releases :
cd SAADA_DB_HOME/class_mapping
rm *correlat*
cd ../bin
./sant saadadb.compile.mapping
This must be done after each new data ingestion.
The java version used by the compiler can be checked with the file command (Linux)
find SAADA_DB_HOME/ -name '*.class' -exec file {} \;
This command must never return a version number greater than 49. last update 2008-12-10