If a Tomcat server is already in operation, please contact your system administrator.
Download Tomcat from the Apache tomcat web site.
Tomcat is a simple java application which can be installed and run by any user.
Tomcat opens the port 8080 by default. Usually, this port can be open by any user and for this reason, it is filtered by firewalls. In conclusion, you can use your SaadaDB from your intranet. If you want to share it with a wider public, you have to ask your system manager to setup a proxy or to keep an open port for you.
Tomcat application must have a read access to the SaadaDB repository.
Very Important : Saada needs Java 1.6. As the Web interface is based on Java code (Servlet), the application server Tomcat must be compliant with Java 6 too. That can be checked at Tomcat starting time :
obs-he-lm:~/bin> startup.sh
Using CATALINA_BASE: /home/michel/java/apache-tomcat-6.0.43
Using CATALINA_HOME: /home/michel/java/apache-tomcat-6.0.43
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/michel/java/apache-tomcat-6.0.43/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr/local/share/jdk1.6.0_05/
If JRE_HOME is a release lower than 6, Saada would never work. See here to fix that.
Very Important for Linux users. Do not use OpenJDK but the JDK provided by Oracle. last update 2016-06-07