Saada is a generator of database but it needs nevertheless your help.
Before trying to build a real SaadaDB feel free to get some training. Build a little one, remove it as much as needed. Even when you are creating your real database, never forget that you can make it again. So don’t hesitate to try different configurations.
It is safer to make a copy of all xml and Java files (SAADA_DB_HOME/config and SAADA_DB_HOME/algo_correlations) out of the SaadaDB installation.
Then use the script mode once your configuration seems to be OK to rebuild you database. That avoids to click and click again and to do typo errors.
Now before doing anything, answer first the following questions :
Which collection are relevant for my purpose (see section
Which kind of queries my users would like to do section
Do I need to add user attribute ? Then jump to this section
Do I need relationships section ? Then build first a small database in order to test the correlation algorithm.
Then let’s start......... last update 2007-02-02